1. Biting my nails. This is a long standing habit that I definitely do without thinking, especially during movies and lectures. Apparently I do it when I have nothing else to do with my hands, so if you are going to ask me to watch a movie, then give me a snack or something that will last the whole time. Thanks.

2. Drinking coke as if its... the other coke. People, my first word was coke. Literally. It is in my bloodstream. I have now gone 21 days without drinking one, and my mouth is literally watering right now just thinking about it. Do not tempt me, for I WILL give in.

3. Never, EVER flossing. Apparently flossing is important. Somehow I think my dentist failed to emphasize this to me, or perhaps I chose not to listen. I bought some floss a few weeks ago and I think I have flossed 3 times now, which is better than nothing, but I would prefer to make it a daily thing.
4. Putting things in strange places, and then forgetting that I did. This is really something that needs to stop before I marry Andrew. He has a place for everything, and does not lose things. Ever. Losing things is like a daily thing for me, and I think he would prefer that I stop because once we live together, I would be losing his stuff too.

Alright, there you have it. If you see my biting my nails, slap my hand away. If you have a coke in your hand, don't come within 30 feet of me. Whenever I smile, tell me I have stuff in my teeth and need to go floss, whether I actually do or not. If you see me put my wallet in the fridge, make me aware. And finally, make sure to laugh haughtily when you see me out of breath after walking up the stairs. Do this for me, and maybe I will overcome these habits in 79 days.
I guess I missed this blog before but I'm so glad I read it now! I will thoroughly enjoy slapping your had when to start to bite your nails and I can't wait to have a new exercise buddy when I come home! HAHAHA