I love making lists, and I love movies. Therefore, as often as I can, I am going to post some sort of list about movies. This list has been in the making for several days now, and a lot of thought and outside input has been put into it. So here it goes.
The 5 Greatest Movie Villains (in my humble opinion)
5. Agent Smith in The Matrix
There is just something in his voice that makes your hair stand on end. Also, it helps that he is played by Hugo Weaving, who also happens to be Lord Elrond in LOTR and V in V for Vendetta, two of my other favorite movies. Three very epic roles! In fact, I just realized that this guy is in 3 out of my top ten movies. I must like him.

Colonel Hans Landa in Inglourious Basterds
He was played by Christoph Waltz, who is pretty much just in foreign films other than this one, but I expect that he will be in a lot more American films now. I think part of what made him so terrifying was how proper he always was as he dealt out death. He got an Oscar for the role, and I think it was well-deserved. I think most people would agree that the first scene of this movie is one of the most intense in Hollywood history.

Kevin the Cannibal in Sin City
Elijah Wood is kind of freaky in the first place, but in this movie he pounces around silently with his eyes whited out and he eats the flesh of women for breakfast, which makes him just plain frightening. This is pretty much a representation of what Frodo would have become had he let the ring consume him.

Anton Chigurh in No Country for Old Men
This guy came very close to first place for me. He is completely stoic and emotionless and takes pleasure in making people very, very nervous. The gas station scene in this movie definitely competes with the first scene of Inglourious Basterds in measurement of tension. This creepy guy was played by Javier Bardem, who also happens to play Julia Roberts' lover in Eat, Pray, Love. How strange.

The Joker in The Dark Knight
And finally, (everyone should have known it was coming), there's Heath Ledger, as the Joker. Everything about his character, from his mannerisms to his voice to his appearance, was freaky, and he somehow managed to be entertaining at the same time. Amazing performance, fantastic villain.
Well, there you have it. Feel free to tell me who else should have been on this list! My dear roommate Karissa informed me that Cruella Deville should have been on this list because, "She kills and skins puppies!" That's a pretty good argument if you ask me.