Three Incredibly Awesome Female CharactersThese are the women that I always wish I could dress up as for Halloween, but their costumes are too expensive- or too revealing. These are the women that don't need to be saved by their buff man-friend, and who often end up saving the man and kick a lot of butt to do so.

First, there's Trinity. I have loved her since I first watched the Matrix in 7th grade. If anyone has seen the first scene of the Matrix, you would understand why she is so awesome. Also, she does all of her butt-kicking in tight leather. Impressive.

Then, there is Uma Thurman as Beatrix Kiddo, or "The Bride" in Kill Bill Volume 1, Volume 2, and in a few years, Volume 3. Anyone remember when she pulls out her nemesis's eye and steps on it? She is a beast in these movies. I also love her as Poison Ivy.

Oh, how I love Mystique. Whenever people ask me what superhero power I would have, I don't say I would fly or breath underwater, I say that I would be a shapeshifter like Mystique. Also, there is something strangely awesome about her scaly blue skin.
Anyways- there they are.
You could probably add GI Jane into this post