Thursday, September 30, 2010


Well, there's not a lot to reveal in the wedding world today. I sent out the Save the Dates (about 2 weeks after we originally intended to) but they are sent nonetheless. I haven't had much luck with finding wedding dresses, but there was one at Bella Rose that I really liked that I found online today at, a site that resells wedding dresses. It was about $300 less on the site and has never been worn.... so it is a possibility. I am hesitant to order online now, after the David's Bridal fail. But this is different, because I have actually tried this dress on before and I know that I love it. I might go for it, but first I want to get the money back from David's Bridal.

I am currently watching Firefly, the wonderful space-western TV series that Ben Peterson introduced to me and many other lucky people. I just wish our whole Firefly watching group was here to sing the theme song with me!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Wedding reveal of the day: Our honeymoon is finally booked!

We are going to an all-inclusive, adults only resort; The Royal in Cancun. Here is what our suite will look like:

How amazing is that?? We are leaving January 2nd in the late morning and will return January the 6th at night. We decided we would want to be back for a few days before school started back up. We are also very excited about moving into Phase 2.

I did a great job today on not stressing out over the amount of work I have to do. I worked alone in the Nowlin Center for a couple of hours, then took a break to watch Survivor and eat dinner, worked a little more, and now I am breaking to blog while in the hammock. The weather has been so perfect that I could stay in this thing all day!

*15 minutes later*

The stinkin fire alarm went off, so we had to go to the Nowlin Center. Adrienne and I have decided that these incessant fire drills are only making it more likely that we will NOT react when an actual fire occurs. Anyways, back to homework.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Well, Andrew made the trip down to Dallas this morning and did some taste testing with my madre. Apparently the chicken guacamole tostada is amazing, so that is for sure one thing that we will have at our reception. Also, we are going to have hot chocolate for everyone while they are setting up tables after the ceremony. (That's all I've got for the wedding reveal of the day). Andrew also got to see our venue, and he was very pleased with it. And he went to find out how to get Michael ordained, and apparently Tarrant County requires absolutely nothing for someone to be considered a minister, so we can check that task off of our list.

We have very few things left to accomplish. We have almost all of the big things done, such as venue, bridesmaid dresses, caterer, photographer, and minister. Andrew and I still need to figure out what we are wearing, and we need to decide on music and videography, but my Aunt Julie is taking care of all of the flower stuff, so I am not worried about that. Overall, we are doing very well on planning, considering the short amount of time we have had to plan it.

I keep waiting for down time, but it never comes. A lesson I learned today is that I can't keep waiting to have time to relax, I just have to make time for it. I had my to do list written out for every minute of the day, with no down time, but a person just can't live that way and be happy. So instead of doing homework for the thirty minutes I had between going to the post office and going to meeting, I took a nap in the hammock. Totally worth it.

Ok, its Glee time.

Monday, September 27, 2010


A few things that I appreciated today:

Having pockets in my skirt
Eating lunch outdoors
Two dresses that came in the mail for me to try on
Adrienne making puppy chow
Having a roommate that knows everything about music

A few things that I did not appreciate today:

Stepping in gum
The two dresses not working out... at all
Not having time to send our Save the Dates

Overall, I would say the first list outweighs the second. I wish that one of the wedding dresses would have worked, but let's face it, my hopes weren't terribly high in the first place. The weather was absolutely perfect today (I could hardly get enough of it), the gum didn't really stick to my shoe much, and I can pretty much just send out the Save the Dates tomorrow. So although it was a busy day, it was not completely unsuccessful.

Tomorrow Andrew is driving to Dallas to do some taste tasting with our caterers... about 8 hours of driving in one day to go have some samples. Hopefully it will be worth it though and he will figure out which of their foods are the best and also discover how to get Michael Mitchell ordained so that he can marry us! That will be the wedding reveal of the day- our minister! Michael is our college minister at Mayfair Church of Christ.

By the way, thus far I have stayed true to my no coke pledge! I have even outlawed Coke Zero! Clearly this is true love.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


This is a big week! I'll work my last shift at J-Crew and will start my new job at T & S Web Design! As much as I love that discount at J-Crew, I think I am actually going to save money by quitting that job. That discount is very deceiving... I get 50% off, which sounds like a lot, but 50% off of a $70 T-shirt still comes to about 3 times more than I would normally pay for a shirt. It may be best that I get away from that job. My new job is right by Jimmy Johns in walking distance and will give me Graphic and Web Design experience, so I am very excited about it. I will now have weekends free and will just be busier during the week. Fantastic.

My wedding reveal for the day will be my beautiful bridesmaids. By the way, I love it when things make sense numerically, so I really like it that I have 6 bridesmaids , 2 sisters, 2 friends from college, and 2 friends from home. Below are my two sisters. The one on the right is Mrs. Rachel Archer, age 23, and the one in the middle is Kayce, age 17, who is now a redhead!

The next are Adrienne Perrey and Karissa Taylor, my fabulous roommates from OC. We've been tied at the hip since the first week here.
And finally we have Alex Burbey and April Girouard, my dear old friends from Mansfield. I am so blessed to have all of these great friends!

Saturday, September 25, 2010


I am starting to wish I wasn't keeping such close track of how many days are left until we are married... it is making it go by so much slower. Too late though, I am already committed to this countdown. You'd think I would be so incredibly motivated to exercise and eat healthy and to begin a three month beauty treatment so that I will be toned and glowing at the wedding, but I am just not. Maybe when the countdown says 75 days... or 50...

Anyways, today I slept in, took a trip to Moore with Andrew, and then went to Pi's excellent rush event in Bricktown, the Amazing Race with Psi! I haven't run that much in a long time, but it was great. I think I am going to add being on a reality TV show to my list of life goals. I am thinking Survivor would be my number 1 choice, but perhaps Andrew and I could do the Amazing Race. But maybe not, seeing as that I am directionally challenged and am literally blinded when I am under a lot of pressure.

Wedding reveal for the day is a few of our engagement pictures, taken by Joe Moore, one of Andrew's groomsmen.

Aren't they lovely? And don't we look like miniature people in that second one?

Alright, I am going on a date. :)

Friday, September 24, 2010


Well, today was relatively uneventful. Unless you count the flood at Phase 5, me eating some bad meat in the caf, and Michael and Annaleise Mitchell having their baby! Ok, so it was eventful. The flood was very exciting, the bad meat pained me for many hours, and Isabella Mitchell is absolutely beautiful! Adrienne, Cassie, and I went to visit her in the hospital tonight and she had the hiccups. It might have been the cutest sound I have ever heard.

But now Andrew and I are just relaxing and watching The Best of Jimmy Fallon, so things have calmed down a bit.

The wedding reveal for the day will be the bridesmaid dresses.

I got these at Charlotte Russe and was able to get all of my bridesmaids' sizes right when I found them! I love them.

I am very proud of myself for doing this two days in a row. We'll see if this continues.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


I have always had an aversion to blogging, maybe because I doubted I would be able to stick with it, or maybe because every time I read back something I've written, I feel like I sound stupid. Regardless, I have had a desire lately to start one, so I have decided to blog for the next 100 days.

I am only doing it for 100 days partially because for me to stick with anything, I need to have a clear goal and ending point in sight. I am also only doing it for 100 days because that is how many days are left until Andrew and I get married. 100 days until I am no longer a half-child and become a full-fledged adult. You know what I mean when I say half-child? I may be 21 years old, but I still feel a bit like a child when I am at home or with my family. It is a wonderful feeling, really. But I am not fully financially responsible for myself and I still go about the world a little wide-eyed and ignorant, therefore I am a half-child. Anyways, 100 days until I start checking the married box on documents and paying the bills, or in other words, until I become an adult.

So, here it goes. This is blog post #100, since I will be counting down. Andrew and I already have a lot done on the wedding, but I don't want to tell everything at once, so for this post I will just reveal our incredible venue. It is called the Victory Arts Center, and will take place in the room pictured above! It is so beautiful, and just happens to be blue and yellow, two of our wedding colors. Fantastic!

Today I decided to treat myself to a few things that never fail to make me happy. I got a brand new sketch book, some pencils, a purse, a beautiful scarf, and some panda express. The only thing that could have made that array of things better would have been a coke, but I have decided (don't hold me to this) not to have another coke until the wedding. I was thinking we could do our toast with glass bottle cokes, so not drinking one until then would just make that moment even sweeter! 100 days without a coke though.... I might not make it a week.